“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
―Theodore Roosevelt
President’s Letter
These last few days have been challenging for many of us.
I always imagined that my daughters would realize opportunities far beyond my own and in turn, they would be free to decide their own destinies. I imagined them as equals in their workplace; I imagined them able to make their own choices and I imagined that their daughters and granddaughters would know no limitations. Now we must all confront the reality that these dreams are shaken. We are witnessing our rights eroding and the fight we thought was ending is only beginning.
For most of our lives all of us have been in the arena, fighting for bodily autonomy, for an end to violence and sexual assault, for equity in professional advancement and pay. But the finish line now seems elusive. How did we get here? Where could we have done better? These are questions we will wrestle with for months and years to come. But perhaps the most important question is how do we regain our footing? The work is not done and we must dust ourselves off and prepare for the journey ahead. It won’t be easy; we will rely on the “doer of deeds” who as Theodore Roosevelt explains, “is actually in the arena…marred by dust, sweat and blood.”
As we begin to walk on what seems to be an unprecedented path, our actions “in the arena” will matter even more. Organizations like ours will be put the the test; as programs and funding are cut our support of women and families community and matters even more than ever. We will draw strength from one another and we will make the difference one woman, one girl and one family at a time.
- Pam
November Business Meeting
Thursday, November 14, 5:30-7:30 pm. Location is Valmont Community Presbyterian Church, 3262 61st St, Boulder, CO.
Guest speaker will be our 2024-25 Beth Haynes Award Winner Detective Jocelyn McManus. Please RSVP Here. Dinner will be served and $15.00 collected at the door.
Collaborative Hub Training - November 19 th from 2-3:15. Club Board and committee chairs will meet on zoom to discuss ways to better utilize the Hub.
Z Club Product Drive - Sataurday, November 23. 9 am -2 pm. Safeway on Iris and 28th Street. We will be collecting feminine hygiene products, diapers and dog food for the Safe House shelter. Join the Z Club and show your support!
Colorado Gives Day - Tuesday December 10. Visit our web site and please share!
Community Food Share Holiday Book Wrapping- Wed, December 11, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, 650 S Taylor Ave Suite C, Louisville, CO
Our Center Holiday Book Wrapping - Tuesday, December. 3, from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM, 220 Collyer St, Longmont, CO
December Business Meeting Holiday Party - Thursday. December 12 5:30-7:30 pm at the home of Colleen Farrell…Pot Luck
Share-a-Gift - Saturday, December 21 7:45 AM – 12:15 PM, 5450 Western Avenue, Boulder, CO
Be sure to check out our Club Calendar! CLICK HERE Committee Chairs please enter your plans as you have them so that our Club can know about all activities coming up! This document is in our Zonta Foothills Collaborative Drive in the Member Calendar Folder. Check it out!
Foothills News
Beth Haynes Ceremony
Our annual celebration of the Beth Haynes Award winner was inspirational as always. Members of our Club along with representatives from our Boulder County Justice community celebrated our 2024 winner Longmont Detective Jocelyn McManus.
Zonta Foothills Advocacy Co-Chair Sara Gillespie spoke on behalf of our Club, thanking the DA’s Domestic Violence Rapid Response Team and others present for representing victims, and for their unwavering commitment to endinng violence against women.
We are excited to have Detective McManus join us at our November business meeting to discuss her work. Please join us so we can celebrate her award together.
Visit our Colorado Gives page here
Advocacy Committee
Meet Our 2024 Beth Haynes Award Winner
Joceyln McManus is our 2024 Beth Haynes Award winner. Selected by representatives from community-wide police departments, the BoCo Sherriff’s Department, The Boulder District Attorney’s Domestic Violence Response Team, victim protection organizations and the Zonta Foothills Club Advocacy Committee, Jocelyn was one of approxmately 15 nominees, each with stories of unwavering commitment to victim protection.
Nominated by five different county agencies, Jocelyn is a Longmont Detective described as a model officer, who received kudos from every member of the county DVR Team. Zonta is proud to give her our vote as this year’s 2024 Beth Haynes Award recipient.
The Advocacy Committee - Co-Chairs: Sara Gillespie & Sheila King, Elizabeth Freedman, Lisa Lesniak, Kay Meyer, Ranelle Randles, Dana RaeVaughn
Amendment 79
Zonta was represented in force at the Amendment 79 Voter Registration Rally hosted by the Women's Collaborative of Boulder County.
Lily Beacom, PantherZ ZClub Co-President and Casey Longo, Z Club Board member were speakers at the event, helping to inspire voters to get out in the name of youth who aren’t old enough to go to the polls. They were amazing! It was an inspiration to bring together a community that cared including our partners at the YWCA, the League of Women Voters, New Era and a number of CUBoulder.
Governance and Engagement Committee
Your Zonta Journey?
At our upcoming business meeting, we’ll break into our Teams to discuss, “A New Member’s Journey.” We plan to update our website with a section geared towards potential new members who want know what to expect when they join the Zonta Foothills Club.
So help think about on your own experiences.
What was your first Zonta meeting like?
Was there something that inspired you when you first joined?
What influences your decision to get involved with the Club?
What tool or activity was the most helpful in understanding how the Club worked?
How did you meet the other members?
What was the first project you worked on? Why did you get involved with that project?
We’re looking forward to this meaningful conversation!
Zonta Government and Engagement Committee - Chair Nancy Rowe, Colleen Farrell, Claudia Ibarra, Pam Malzbender, Amanda Elsnes, Ann Hodgson, Kathy Israelson, Catherine Médal
FUNdraising Committee
Get Ready!
Colorado Gives Day (CGD) is right around the corner on December 10th. The Zonta Board is in the process of sending out our Zonta Foothills Foundation Annual Report so all of our donors can learn about the good work we have accomplished this past year with help from their donations.
See our 2023-24 Annual Report Here
We will be asking the membership to let everyone know about CGD and how important their donation is to make a better world for women and girls, especially now.
Visit our Colorado Gives page here
Zing for Zonta is still on schedule for April 18th. We will have a new emcee this year, Jeffrey Kash from Premier Bank, he was one of our judges from last year and is very entertaining. The venue has been reserved and we are looking at catering companies. There will be more information to follow very soon.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Zonta FUNdraising Committee - Co-chairs: Marta Lindrose and Colleen Farrell
Zervice Committee
Supporting Moms in Need
Thanks to our Club members, among the 80 Zontians from across District 12, who brought donations for moms and babies sheltering at Boulder’s Mother House. This District-wide service project, during the Governor’s Seminar, was a wonderful success and a testament of our commitment to the ZI mission. Thanks to Carol Smoot and Kathy Israelson for staffing this event at Chautauqua in October and delivering our gifts to Mother House.
Pajama Party for a Good Cause
It was great fun to gather at Pam’s house on Oct. 10th as the Service Committee hosted our Pajama Party service project! Thanks to all for playing along AND bringing dozens of pairs of PJs. Together, we assembled 55 gift bags with a heartfelt message from our Club, pajamas, fuzzy socks and body lotion. Dr. Jane Wolford, Safe Place board member, spoke to the members at the meeting about the range of services provided for those seeking shelter, and confirmed that pajamas are always needed! Thanks to Carol Smoot for delivering half of the bags to Safehouse Progressive Alliance in Boulder. Catherine Bailey delivered the other half to Safe Place of St. Vrain Valley in Longmont.
Rare Opportunity at the Used Book Emporium
After 28 years on Main Street in Longmont, when the owners of Used Book Emporium decided to retire and close their doors, they invited Zonta Service Committee to select as many books as we were able to gather for our Free Libraries. Carol Smoot, Cheri Magin, and Catherine & Charles Bailey arrived immediately after their closure with stacks of boxes and spent hours shopping, boxing, labeling, and delivering 600 books to the storage units! The Emporium’s generous invitation offered a rare opportunity to hand select gift-worthy adult, teen and children’s books for our annual Free Holiday Book Markets in December.
Mark your Calendars & Sign Up for Upcoming Service Projects
Join the Zervice Committee in hosting TWO Free Holiday Book Markets in December! Our annual Holiday Book & Gift-Wrapping tradition has expanded to include the OUR Center in Longmont, along with Community Food Share in Louisville. Wear your Christmas sweater and enjoy working as a team to help Food Bank clients select books for family member gifts. We giftwrap their selections while they shop!
Donations are needed to help us replenish our wrapping supplies. Please BRING holiday gift wrapping paper, bows, ribbons and gift bags (large enough to hold 3 large books) to the Nov. 14th ZFC meeting or drop off at Marta Lindrose's home, no later than Friday, Nov. 22nd.
Volunteers are needed to work in teams for 3-hour shifts:
OUR Center: Tues. Dec. 3, from 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Community Food Share: Wed, Dec 11, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Here is a LINK to sign up for a shift. Sign up NOW and save the date!
Make it stand out
It’s a Zonta Foothills holiday tradition to volunteer with our Z Clubs at the annual Share-A-Gift Toy Shop. The Zervice Committee invites you to join us once again for this great day of community service and holiday joy!
For 50+ years, Share-A-Gift has been providing toys, books, and bicycles for children of low-income families, 14 years old or younger, in Boulder Valley School District. In 2023, Share-A-Gift provided gifts for almost 1,600+ children representing over 600+ families!
Saturday, December 21 Morning shift: 7:45 AM – 12:15 PM
5450 Western Avenue, Boulder
Sign up NOW and save the date! Here is a LINK to sign up.
Zonta Zervice Committee - Co-chairs: Marta Lindrose and Catherine Bailey, Tommie Atanasoff, Dixie Hollingsworth, Cheri Magin, Kim Prosser-Noonan, Joan Siebenaler, Carol Smoot
Zonta EducateZ Committee
Z Club InductionWelcomes New Members
The Boulder High Pantherz Z Club inducted six new members and installed officers earlier this month. Thanks to all who came to support the Club and welcome its new members into the Zonta family. The officers led the program as Area 3 Director Colleen Farrell installed the officers and Foothills President Pam Malzbender inducted the new members. Thank you to Community Leader Angel Sanchez who inspired us all with words about ways to find our voices to advocate for all.
PantherZ Kicks off Domestic Violence Awaareness month and CUlture of Respect
Our annual Silent Witness Project silhouettes are hanging in the Boulder High School library thanks to the hard work of the Pantherz Z Club.
This display tells victims’ stories and captures the tragedy of violence. This year we added stories to support our Culture of Respect project focusing on dating violence, bullying and other destructive behaviors.
Golden and Platinum clubs Host training with Margaretta Bancroft
Thank you to Foothills Club member Margareta Bancroft for meeting via zoom with our Golden and Platinum Z Club members to share her career placement experience.
Margareta talked with our members about the basics of salary negotiations and talking about your skills and assets in a job interview. This is such imporant information for our young professionals.
Zonta EducateZ Committee - Co-Chairs Gaby Lopez & Claudia Ibarra, Pam Malzbender, Michelle Carpenter, Tommie Atanasoff, Margareta Bancroft, Dixie Hollingsworth
Educatez Scholarship Committee
Launching Climate Scholarship
With input from the Advocacy Committee, the Educatez Scholarship Committee asked our Board to approve a name change for our climate scholarship. The motion was approved unanimously and will now to be known as the
Zonta Foothills Climate Justice Scholarship
Why the name change? The rationale behind name change is to:
align with the Zonta International Zonta Says NOW initiative,
reflect the many intersectionalities of dealing with climate change while forwarding social justice,
allow better visibility for Zonta Foothills, and
enable flexibility in how the scholarship is awarded.
in order to award the $5000 budgeted for our 2024-25 scholarship, outreach for applicants will start right away. Eligible candidates are females in at least their third year of studies at CU Boulder, including graduate students. The deadline to apply is December 2nd and we will announce our winner by December 20th.
We hope to deposit the scholarship award into the winner’s CU account in January.
If you’re interested in helping to read applications and picking our recipient, please contact Nancy Rowe or Michelle Médal.
The EducateZ Scholarship Committee - Co-Chairs Nancy Rowe and Michelle Médal, Margareta Bancroft, Kathy Bousquet, Jan Cheney, Dana Rae Vaughn, Kay Meyer
Finance Committee
Keeping Our Foundation Strong
The transfer of our financial data base is complete and our finances are totally on the Quick Books cloud. We are also reaching out to the Boulder Community Foundation and the CU Foundation to discuss our scholarship accounts and review future procedures and management.
Zonta Finance Committee - Chair Pam Malzbender, Michelle Médal, Nancy Rowe, Ranelle Randles, Marta Lindrose and Colleen Farrell
Community OUtreach
Check us out
Web site - https://www.zontafoothills.org/
Instagram - zontafoothillslubboulder
Facebook - Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County
Pantherz ZClub Social Media
Instagram - bhs.zclub
PR Committee - C0-Chairs Pam Malzbender & Sheila Cohen, Joan Siebenaler, Carol Smoot