Zonta In The News Check out where Zonta’s being talked about in the news. Article: Nonprofit Spotlight: Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County.Read article here. Article: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office detective wins the Beth Haynes Memorial Award. Read article here. Article: Letters to The Editor: Make the world a better place for women and girls; take a ride along Baseline; leaders should advocate not vindicate.Read article here. Article: Letters to The Editor: Women still earn 84% of what men earn.Read article here. Article: Letters to The Editor: Ditch our franchise with Xcel; protections for victims of domestic violence crimes will save lives.Read article here. Article: Guest Opinion: Sheila King: This month, raise awareness to prevent domestic violence. Read article here. Article: ‘Zing for Zonta’ and other Boulder events for today.Read article here.