“Behind every great woman… is another great woman.”
– Kate Hodges
President’s Letter
Yep…we have another’s back and the depth of this support was in full display this past weekend at the Zonta District 12 Conference. Thank you to everyone who helped set up the Grange party, coordinated the stores and the photo booth, decorated the banquet tables and so much more. A few Zontians from around the District commented to me about what a great team we are and I couldn’t agree more. Everyone was impressed with Boulder and Chautauqua but most of all they were in awe of our Club. I especially want to thank Catherine Bailey, and Colleen Farrell who were the backbone of this event. Catherine’s amazing coordination skills kept track of every detail and made things look so easy (they weren’t always) and most amazing of all…she always did it with a smile. Colleen Farrell worked behind the scenes coordinating housing for our guests (and it isn’t always easy to keep everyone happy when picking roommates) and doing the billing; she never skipped a beat through each step of the process.
And wow…while we have been focused on the seminar so much other great work has been going on. The EducateZ Committee is coordinating our Z Clubs new member recruitment, planning a Z Club induction, supporting a Voter Registration Drive at Boulder High School and getting a Golden/Platinum Zappy Hour planned. The Advocacy Committee coordinated the Boulder Justice Community’s Beth Haynes selection meeting and wow, do we have an amazing winner! They’ve also been working on Amendment 79 which will be on the November ballot in support of Reproductive Freedom. We are coordinating our efforts with the Women’s Collaborative of Boulder County.
The Service Committee coordinated the service project at our Governor’s Seminar which collected a carload full of baby items for the Mother House project at Haven Ridge in Boulder and they are running our PJ Party this coming week! (And don’t forget…we keep delivering books every month.)
So please check out the calendar below…Even if you can only come to one event you will make a difference and perhaps the most important of all, you feel so much pride for the impact we are having together!
- Pam
September Business Meeting - Thursday, October 10, 5:30-7:30 pm. Pajama Party and Service Project at the home of Pam Malzbender. To commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Jane Wolford, a Safe Shelter of St Vrain Valley board member, will be visiting us to share some information about this important Longmont organization. Check the member directory or event email for address. We will collect a $5 donation for pizza at the door. See description below for PJ Service project below.
PantherZ Z Club Induction- Tuesday, October 15, 4:30-6:00 pm in the Boulder High School library. Join us for this annual tradition. We will be welcoming young members into our Zonta Family and your support means so much! Please bring finger food to share.
Golden and Platinum Z Club Zappy Hour- Friday, October 11 6 pm at the home of Sheila King. Address sent with RSVP.
Voter Registration Rally - Saturday, October 19, from noon to 1 PM. We will join organizations from CU and other members of the Women's Collaborative of Boulder County to engage younger voters and raise awareness about Amendment 79 (Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom) which will be on the November ballot. The Advocacy Committee will keep you posted as to the location and other details but let's spread the word. USE YOUR VOICE - VOTE!
Beth Haynes Award Ceremony - Tuesday, October 29 2-4 pm at the Boulder Justice Center 1777 6th St, Boulder, CO. Please join us to honor our award winner and recognize the important work of our justice community to support domestic violence victims in Boulder County.
Board Meeting - Thursday, November 7, 6 - 7:30 pm at Natural Food Grocers Community Room, Natural Grocers, 2685 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302
Community Foodshare Holiday Book Give Away - Tuesday, December 10
SOMETHING NEW: Be sure to check out our Club Calendar! CLICK HERE Committee Chairs please enter your plans as you have them so that our Club can know about all activities coming up! This document is in our Zonta Foothills Collaborative Drive in the Member Calendar Folder. Check it out!
2024 District Governor’s Conference in Pictures
We are Getting Out the Vote
Our vote is our voice and as advocates in our community we are working hard to register voters. We will participate in the My Body, My Choice, My Vote rally on Saturday, October 19 with our WOCOBOCO partners but that’s not all…
Earlier this week, with the support of Sheila King and our Advocacy Committee, the PantherZ Club ran a successful voter registration drive with New Era Colorado at Boulder High School. We had enthusiastic approval of school administration, wonderful support from Club Advisor, Diane Brenton and our own EducateZ leaders, Claudia Ibarra and Gaby Lopez. In just one lunch period the Club registered 30 voters on site and many more via the QR code displayed on the table.
We are so proud of this team of amazing young advocates!
Governance and Engagement Committee
Zappy Hour Hosts Five Prospective Members
We had a lovely time at our last Zappy Hour. Hosted by Governance and Engagement Committee member Kathy Israelson, our evening was filled with personal stories about why Zonta is important to us and an inspiring overview of the projects that are ongoing. Fingers crossed that a few of our guests will join us in the next few months!
Zonta Government and Engagement Committee - Chair Nancy Rowe Colleen Farrell, Claudia Ibarra, Pam Malzbender, Amanda Elsnes, Ann Hodgson, Kathy Israelson, Catherine Médal
FUNdraising Committee
Get Ready!
Our annual reports will be out soon and as in the past, we will send them to past donors to share information about how their contributions helped to make a Better World for Women and Girls. Then in December we move to Colorado Gives Day. Zing for Zonta 2025 is on Friday, April 18th at the Dairy Arts Center.
We are counting on all of you to push Zonta Foothills over our previous year's earnings to help make this a better world for women and girls.
Zonta FUNdraising Committee - Co-chairs: Marta Lindrose and Colleen Farrell
Zervice Committee
It’s PJ Time!
You don’t want to miss our Oct 10th business meeting! The Zervice Committee is hosting a Pajama Party to benefit women at the Safe Shelter of St Vrain Valley (Longmont) and Boulder Safe House (SPAN Boulder). Our goal? …to stuff 60 gift bags with ladies pajamas, fuzzy socks and warm wishes from their friends at Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County.
And we are going to make it fun…Plan to WEAR your pajamas, robes, and slippers to win prizes for the comfiest, the funniest and more!
If you would like to contribute, BRING a pair of brand-new Ladies Pajamas – all sizes welcome. (Gift bags, socks and note cards will be provided.) LOCATION: Pam Malzbender’s home TIME: 5:30 dinner, 6:00 business meeting. We will have pizza from Cosmos and salad. A $5 donation for food will be requested.
Zonta Zervice Committee - Co-chairs: Marta Lindrose and Catherine Bailey, Tommie Atanasoff, Dixie Hollingsworth, Cheri Magin, Kim Prosser-Noonan, Joan Siebenaler, Carol Smoot
Service Committee Supports District Conference and Mother House Program!
Our Club’s Service Committee coordinated the Baby/Mother donation drive at our recent D12 Governor’s Seminar. Thank you to Carol Smoot and Kathy Israelson who collected and delivered two cribs-full of diapers, onsies, books, wipes and so much more
to Mother House at Haven Ridge, a residential program serving pregnant people in need during their prenatal and postpartum journeys. They provide education, stability, and support throughout pregnancy and the early months of motherhood.
Zonta EducateZ Committee
Z Club Induction…Please Join Us
It’s an annual tradition…The Boulder High Pantherz Z Club will induct their new members and install officers on Tuesday, October 15 at 4:30 pm in the Boulder High School library. Please join us to welcome a new group of Zontians into our community! Our officers are working hard to make this a wonderful event attended by Club members, faculty, parents and friends. If you can bring a snack to share it would be appreciated.
PantherZ Commemorate the International Day of the Girl
Our Pantherz Z Club recently submitted a short video to Zonta International to mark the International Day of the Girl on October 11. ZI asked for members to submit videos to help stop the spread of negative messages. They focused on dispelling messages about what girls should be, what they should wear, how they should behave, and more. ZI asked for videos that change the narrative and give voice reach girls around the world, nothing spoken just written signs. Here is our Club’s powerful message!
Golden and Platinum Z Clubs Learn Self-Defense
What fun everyone had at Way of the Crane Martial Arts a few weeks ago! But more than that, members of our Golden and Platinum Z Clubs (along with a few Z and adult Club members) participated in a two-hour class to learn strategies to be safe. Thanks to Foothills member Margareta Bancroft for joining us.
Zonta EducateZ Committee - Co-Chairs Gaby Lopez & Claudia Ibarra, Pam Malzbender, Michelle Carpenter, Tommie Atanasoff, Margareta Bancroft, Dixie Hollingsworth
Advocacy Committee
Sara Gillespie Runs “Bold Circle”
A big thank you to our own Sara Gillespie for running the “Bold Circle” about Community Partnerships at our recent D12 Governor’s Seminar. What better person to share her experience and our Club’s partnerships than Sara, our Advocacy Committee Co-Chair, who is active in our work with Front Range Community College around Sexual Assault Awareness Month and is our liason to the Women’s Collaborative for all legislative action.
Marta Lindrose’s “Taking Heads” is a Statement on Climate
The work of artist Marta Lindrose was recently featured in the ZI Intercontinental Think Tank. Her powerful “Talking Heads” painting is part of the Zonta Says NOW Virtual Gallery, a place where we can explore how we feel about the world.
Marta explains: “…people are talking about change but are stuck between a glass block wall and our Earth. This painting represents the frustration from the inaction by our governments to protect our world, especially for women and girls.”
Vote YES on Amendment 79
You may remember that our Club endorsed Amendment 79 last spring and our Committee is continuing partnering with Women’s Collaborative members to support Amendment 79 - Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom. This critical vote will be on the ballot in November and will protect every woman’s right to choose in Colorado.
We will have yard signs avaiable at our October business meeting. Join us on Saturday, October 19 at noon to rally and get out the vote…We will meet at 13th and Pennsylvania. More info to come.
Meet Our 2024 Beth Haynes Award Winner
Joceyln McManus is our 2024 Beth Haynes Award winner. At our October 2 meeting representatives from community-wide police departments, the BoCo Sherriff’s Department, The Boulder District Attorney’s Domestic Violence Response Team, victim protection organizations and the Zonta Foothills Club Advocacy Committee, review approxmately 15 applications, each with stories of unwavering commitment to victim protection.
Nominated by five different county agencies, Jocelyn is a Longmont Detective described as a model officer, who received kudos from every member of the county DVR Team. Zonta is proud to give her our vote as this year’s 2024 Beth Haynes Award recipient.
We hope that you will join us on Tuesday, October 29 2 - 4 pm at the Boulder Justice Center 1777 6th St, Boulder to honor our award winner and recognize the important work of our justice community to support domestic violence victims in Boulder County.
The Advocacy Committee - Co-Chairs: Sara Gillespie & Sheila King Elizabeth Freedman, Lisa Lesniak, Kay Meyer, Ranelle Randles, Dana RaeVaughn
Educatez Scholarship Committee
Back to School with Scholarships!
At our September meeting we met our 2024 Zonta EducateZ Scholarship and Remarkable Woman award winners. Their stories helped us realize the power of these two awards which help women overcome financial barriers to completing their educations. Our EdcateZ Scholarship winner, Beth Amsel recently completed her BA at CU Boulder and she is heading on
to the University of Denver to complete an MA in Social Work. She hopes to counsel women in crisis. Roz Wilson was awarded our Remarkable Women scholarship to complete her BA at CU Boulder this December. A single mom who attended CU from 1986-91 and recently returned to complete her degree.
The EducateZ Scholarship Committee - Co-Chairs Nancy Rowe and Michelle Médal Margareta Bancroft, Kathy Bousquet, Jan Cheney, Dana Rae Vaughn, Kay Meyer
Finance Committee
Keeping Our Foundation Strong
The transfer of our financial data base is almost complete and our computer-based accounting system will be totally on the cloud. We will be meeting this month to discuss our partnership with the Boulder Community Foundation and our financial review.
Thank you to Michelle Médal who will be balancing all of the books for our Foundation support of the D12 Governor’s Seminar.
Zonta Finance Committee - Chair Pam Malzbender, Michelle Médal, Nancy Rowe, Ranelle Randles, Marta Lindrose and Colleen Farrell
Community OUtreach
Check us out
Web site - https://www.zontafoothills.org/ Instagram - zontafoothillslubboulder Facebook - Zonta Foothills Club of Boulder County
Pantherz ZClub Social Media Instagram - bhs.zclub
PR Committee - C0-Chairs Pam Malzbender & Sheila Cohen, Joan Siebenaler, Carol Smoot